MDBF Seminerleri – Dr. Shahid Mumtaz
Mu00fchendislik ve Dou011fa Bilimleri Faku00fcltemizin IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturers Program kapsamu0131nda du00fczenlediu011fi seminerde konuu011fumuz Instituto de Telecomunicau00e7u00f5es (IT) Portugal’dan Dr. Shahid Mumtaz olacak.
Dr. Mumtaz, 24 Ekim Cuma saat 1o.00u2019da B-210’da u201c6G: Industrial AI Perspectivesu201d bau015flu0131klu0131 bir sunum yapacak.u00a0Etkinlik ilgilenen herkesin katu0131lu0131mu0131na au00e7u0131ktu0131r ve u0130ngilizcedir.u00a0
u00d6zet: Intelligence is the ability to model our thinking and sensing processes through various intelligent models. In industrial AI, engineers develop and deploy AI algorithms consistently and systematically to achieve repeatable and consistent results. Therefore, in this talk, I will explain the different trends of Industrial AI and how it is different from Industry 4.0.
Moreover, different societal versions will explain in comparison with Industrial AI. In the end, other vital challenges and usecase will be described. In addressing the real-world implementation of Industrial AI, this research will guide and roadmap for researchers and industries.
Konuu015fmacu0131 Hakku0131nda: Shahid Mumtaz is an IET Fellow, IEEE ComSoc/VTS/IAS and ACM Distinguished speaker, recipient of IEEE ComSoC Young Researcher Award (2020), IEEE Senior member, founder and EiC of IET u201cJournal of Quantum communicationu201d, Vice-Chair: Europe/Africa Region- IEEE ComSoc: Green Communications & Computing society and Vice-chair for IEEE standard on P1932.1: Standard for Licensed/Unlicensed Spectrum Interoperability in Wireless Mobile Networks. He has more than 15 years of wireless industry/academic experience.
He has received his Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden, and University of Aveiro, Portugal in 2006 and 2011, respectively. From 2002 to 2003, he worked for Pak Telecom as System Engineer and from 2005 to 2006 for Ericsson and Huawei at Research Labs in Sweden. He has been with Instituto de Telecomunicau00e7u00f5es since 2011 where he currently holds the position of Auxiliary Researcher and adjunct positions with several universities across the Europe-Asian Region. He is the author of 4 technical books, 12 book chapters, 300+ technical papers (200+ Journal/transaction, 90+ conference, 2 IEEE best paper award- in the area of mobile communications. He had/has supervised/co-supervising several Ph.D. and Master Students. He uses mathematical and system-level tools to model and analyze emerging wireless communication architectures, leading to innovative Master’s theoretically optimal new communication techniques. He is working closely with leading R&D groups in the industry to transition these ideas to practice. He secures the funding of around 4M Euro.